
Injured Letters and CCSS Non-Fiction Texts FREEBIE

What a day we had in first grade today! If you had walked in at one moment today you would have hear everyone howling "Ow!" and seen over 40 bandaids were in use! No, I wasn't torturing my class! Haven't you heard of the hurtful letters /ow/ and /ou/? Whenever they are together they get hurt and go "Ow!" To remember this every student put a bandaid on each hand and then we wrote the letters ow and ou on each bandaid! What a fun way to remember the /ow/ sound!
If you had walked past my room a little bit later in the day, you would have thought my class was missing! It was so SO quiet in my room. You might have even thought that we were playing the quiet game, but we were doing something even better: we were reading non-fiction texts!! If you read my Five for Friday post (here) I explained some about the observation lesson that I had done last week on non-fiction texts. Well, today we were continuing to work on gathering facts from our non-fiction books and EVERY student in my class had their nose in a book and were L-O-V-I-N-G finding facts!
The only peep you could hear was the occasional, "Did you know....?" One girl explained to me: "Mrs. Foxwell, did you know that butterflies taste flowers with their feet?" Be.Still.My.Happy.Teacher.Heart.   My grade level partner is also using the graphic organizer that I made up with her class and she came in today saying that her class is also LOVING working in non-fiction texts!! If you haven't already, you can grab this non-fiction graphic organizer for FREE for your classroom! Just click the picture below!

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