
My First Five for Friday, a FREEBIE, and a QUICK 50% SALE

I'm am oh.so.excited to be linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for my first Five for Friday!
I have been wanting to do this for awhile, but the last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind! Like is it really already mid-April?! I'm so sorry for the major absence in the blogging world, but I promise I have a good reason:

1. We moved! Yes-moved. As in packed up all of our belongings and are in a new house...in the middle of the school year. I feel as if that doesn't need any more explanation! lol :) We loved our old apartment, but we LOVE our new house!! I haven't had time to snap pictures of our new place (really you just need to picture rooms filled with boxes) but before we moved I did snap a few pictures of our first apartment before it was all packed up and transported:

I have to admit that I am so antsy to get my new house unpacked, settled, and decorated (I *big heart* decorating!), but my OCDness (I'm not the only teacher with this problem, am I?) is having to take a major backseat as I remind myself that there are only 31 more days to summer (not that I'm counting!) and then our new house can get fully settled and the blank slate of our walls can turn into our home! LOVE!

2. I had my third and final observation yesterday for this year! Feels so good to have that done! I did it on non-fiction texts (shout out to the common core here! :) We did some quick fact/opinion review and after modeling how to gather facts, my kiddos excitedly got to work writing their facts on this graphic organizer that is from my writing rockstar unit (still in the works...will let you know when it's finished!)
Clipart and Fonts by: Miss Tiina, KPM Doodles, and Teaching in a Small Town

Each of my kiddos had an animal book on their level that they had picked out (they loved this part) that they read and then wrote/drew facts about their animal. Sorry about having no sample pictures of their work, but hopefully you will enjoy grabbing the graphic organizer FREEBIE! It has the Common Core Standard right on it! Just click the picture above to download it! :)

3. Money Money Money! 

We have been working hard on our money unit the last couples of weeks and my kiddos A.D.O.R.E this song. We sing it EVERYDAY-made up motions and everything to go with it. If you haven't seen this video or used it in your classroom--go pin it now so that you don't forget about it!

4. My brain has been in high gear for all of the things I want to get done before the end of the year! I like to work ahead and not wait to the last minute, so one of the things that I am already getting ready is my end of the year thank you notes for my MANY and WONDERFUL parent volunteers! One of the things I'm planning it to give them a "sweet note" from my Volunteers are Sweet pack. This pack comes with 16 different candy themed notes and even has some blank ones too for personalization! If you are looking for some sweet ways to say thanks to your parent volunteers, check out this pack by clicking the picture below! It's going to be 50% for Saturday, April 19 only! Save yourself some time and go grab it for $2.00! :)
5. It's the weekend! So needed! In the midst of some unpacking, I'm excited to catch up on some episodes of these guys with my hubby! We are BIG Duck Dynasty fans! Hilarious show!

Well, that's my five for Friday!
Happy Weekend!! :)

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