
Vocabulary Gesture Videos

Ok, dear blogging friends. I have taken a leap and jumped into the unknown world of posting videos on youtube. AH! :) I'm still trying to get over the whole seeing/hearing yourself on video thing, but my sweet friend Miss Miller over at RAMDesigns has convinced me that I need to begin sharing the many gestures that I have created and use in my classroom. So here it goes... :)

All primary teachers know that first graders have a lot of energy and one of the ways that I like to utilize this energy is through the use of gestures! Gestures not only give all of that energy a positive outlet, but studies have shown that they also help engage the brain to help students actively remember what we are learning. I incorporate gestures for LOTS of things (songs, rules, objectives, etc.) and in all areas (reading, math, writing, content areas) but one of the areas that I love using it the most is in vocabulary! Lots of new words are introduced in first grade, so we have a lot of fun learning our new words with gestures.

Today I will share 2 of the words that I will be introducing to my kiddos on Monday. Our district currently uses the Houghton Mifflin reading curriculum, so every week my kiddos need to learn any where from 6-9 words. I know that the gestures I've created may seem like 10 kinds of crazy, BUT these gestures work and my kids just eat them up!

Here is the gesture for the word one:

And here is the gesture for the word find:

I have more gestures that I'm hoping to share with you in the days ahead! Feel free to become a subscriber to my new Foxwell Forest Youtube channel {here}. Thanks to Miss Miller for helping record these!

How do you like to teach vocabulary? I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to leave me some comment love!

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