
Race to Keep Up the Pace: Editable Practice and Intervention Activities

When I found out that we were going to have a cold day/snow day yesterday thanks to the -15 to -25 degree temps (Brrr!), I knew exactly what I was going to do!

First, I was going to make a big pot of homemade chicken noodle soup for my hubby and I! Yum!! It smelled good stewing all day and tasted even better. There is just something about cold weather needing soup, wouldn't you agree? :)

Second, I wanted to finally get to one of the products on my idea/to do list! I've been wanting to make this one for awhile, but with teaching, life, and grad school it had to wait until a snow day/cold day! I am SOO excited for how this Race to Keep On the Pace packet turned out and can't wait to begin using it with some of my kiddos starting tomorrow! 

What I love about this packet is that these activities are EASY and FUN to use and differentiate! We all have some precious kiddos that seem to fall just a little bit behind and need some extra intervention to get back on track! These activities will work great for them. And since they can be differentiated, they will work for all students.

I also love this because the boys especially are going to flip over this! This year, the boys outnumber the girls in my class, so I'm always keeping them in mind when I'm creating things. Cars and racing are BIG in my room, as they probably are with most 6-7 year old boys and I know that they will eat up the racing theme in this packet! It includes both boy and girl racers, so I know that my girls will enjoy it too!

I even picked up some real race cars at the dollar store (3 for a $1 folks-can't beat that!). I just added a label to the top of the car and drew on dots for numbers 1-6:
This is one of the activities in the packet and the Racer (aka: the student) will pull a car out of the bag. Whatever number is on the car is the number track they will read across as quickly as they can on the editable worksheet (that comes in both color and black and white!). They will continue playing until they hit 4-6 tracks (aka. rows of skills!)

Not only are the worksheets editable so that you can easily differentiate the skill to whatever your student needs. They are also easy to use! Just fill in the top row of the practice page and the rest will fill in for you (I love when things are quick and easy!). I did sight words for this first activity and it took me no time to fill it in and print it off! Plus there is a place to type in your student's name and the skill they are working on (this helps sanity and organization-especially if the same child is working on different skills):

You can use these practice and intervention activities for number/letter recognition, letter sounds, sight words, or math facts. Just type in the info, print, and you're set to go!

I like having options and giving you options, so if you don't have or don't want to use real cars, I've included race car cards in the packet to use:

There are even different kinds of race car cards to choose from to both integrate and vary the skills there too! 

There are 3 different racing activities and every page comes in both color and black and white. (I know that we are all looking for ways to save that ink!) These will work perfect for RTI, homework, or for whenever you have an extra set of hands to pull a kiddo (aides, parent volunteers, college students, etc.). 

Here's a sneak peak at the packet:

And I've put this packet on sale for 50% off for the next 24 hours!! Woot Woot! :) Love me a good sale! :)

As always, the first 2 people to leave some comment love and their email address will win this packet for free!

Happy Hump Day friends!


  1. My boys would love this!

  2. I would love this!


  3. Sorry I missed winning this but I know I have a few kiddos that could really up the pace with this. It's on my wish list for tonight! Thanks for a great looking product

  4. This looks like something the boys (and girls) in my room would really love!

  5. This looks like so much fun! Another wonderful product! :)
