
Optimum Organization: I Know Where that Is!! {Organized Cabinets & a FREEBIE}

I am very excited to be linking up again with:

When I first started teaching I began in a room that I believe hadn't been cleaned out or organized since the dinosaurs roared! :) Every cabinet was packed full of materials and supplies-some that outdated even me. It drove my organizational heart all kinds of C.R.A.Z.Y. I didn't know what I had to work with and on top of that I wasted so much time trying to find things. And we all know that no one has time for that! :)

Thankfully I received permission from my principal to clean out and organize the room!! I was so thankful! This of course, was not a project to completely undertake as a first year teacher, and it was definitely not a job to happen while school was in session. So hello summer project! :) I spent my first summer leveling my classroom library (had no idea what a big undertaking that was...but it was worth it!!) Then last summer, I finally got to the cabinets! I went in all day (with also the help of many friends and my sweet hubby) for 2 straight weeks after school ended last summer and tackled every single closet in my classroom:

After organizing everything though, I didn't want to forget where things were so nicely packed away, so I decided to:
This has saved me SOOO much time this year!! For example, when I need to find science materials, I just go to my science cabinet, look at the shelf pages to find what shelf the material is on and WAH-LAH: I know where it is!! 

Some other helpful tips I have found are:
The only thing I would change is that those shelf papers are oh.so.blah! The pics are making me cringe! lol :) So luckily my cringing has caused me to put together some cuter shelf papers and from my organized heart to yours, I am offering them as a FREEBIE so that you too can say "I know where that is!!":)
How do you try to stay organized in your classroom?


  1. Shelf pages! Great idea! Love this linky! I will try to participate via my iPad but thie connection here on vacay has not been the best. :/

    My first classroom was a huge undertaking as well, I swear it hadn't been cleaned -EVER.

    P.S love the bunting, so cute with your pictures!;)

  2. Love your shelf organizing posters- so very cute! I reorganized my cabinets again at the end of this year and got rid of all the stuff I hadn't used in a few years but I don't have fun labels so I can't wait to hang these up in my cabinets! Thanks a bunch :)
    Learning to the Core

  3. Oh I didn't even see the freebie! How cute! Like I said the service here is bad so the iPad isn't downloading anything properly. After shutting down it seems better. Glad you could use my bunting to create a freebie! This is the first product I've seen it used on that wasn't mt own. :)

  4. Shelf pages are so smart!! I think this is where things always fall apart for me...my shelves get so scattered and disorganized. Thank you for the freebie and for linking up with us!!

  5. Great idea! Every classroom that I have moved into has had stuff for me to go through. It can be exhausting!! Thanks so much for sharing.

    The Phonics Phenomenon

  6. Great Idea! I wish all my shelves had doors so I could try this on all of them...
    Mrs. Cobb's Kindersprouts

  7. What a brilliant idea! And they're cute to boot! :)

  8. Be still my OCD heart! I am moving into a new classroom this year. After spending the summer organizing all of my boxes, I can't wait to organize my shelves now. Thanks for the freebie!


  9. My first year teaching was in a classroom that had so much stuff thrown everywhere! No organization whatsoever. I was finding parts of sets of manipulatives and worksheets all over the place! It was a nightmare! And worse than that... I got the job just three days before the kids' first day!! UGH!!

    I am moving to a new classroom this coming year, and I feel just as stressed as my first year (here I am going into year 9). The teacher that had the room before I did never went through the previous occupant's leftovers, so now I'm stuck with who-knows-how-many years worth of other people's stuff in addition to my own. Luckily, my principal has given the go ahead to surplus what I don't want in the room. The only trouble is that the school is locked down until August 9. Hopefully I can get it all done!

    I'm glad to have found your blog! I love the shelf signs idea!

    First Grade with Ms. Dawley

  10. Excellent idea! Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. Great idea. I have a cabinet or two and I'll admit sometimes I forget what is in the containers. Oops. http://mrsbrownthebookworm.blogspot.com/

  12. How did you level your library? I need to do that. I inherited a lot of books from the previous kindergarten teacher, so I don't know what the levels are for most of the books. Thanks in advance!

    Miss A's Kindergarten

  13. My cabinets were NEVER organized. Especially if they were behind closed doors. lol
    Great idea and they are super cute!
    Antoinette :)

  14. Such a smart idea!! I organized my math cabinet last summer but I have no clue what's on the top shelf because I'm short. There were probably some great tools in there I could have used last year! Haha :) Thanks for the freebie, too! I just downloaded it and will be heading to school to add them to my cabinet to make it more user-friendly! Thank you for linking up with us :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  15. I've done this in past rooms but haven't gotten around to it in my current classroom. These will be much cuter than my boring notepad papers. Thanks!

  16. Those are some great organizational ideas! I am your newest follower:)

    Primary Classrooms are Oceans of Fun

  17. Thank you! These are just what I need to get (and stay) organized.
