
Monday Made It: 50 Cents Goes a LONG way!

I'm excited to be linking up again today with Tara for her:
If you saw my Monday Made It last week (HERE), then you saw that my next DIY project was to turn a 50 cent frame into a decorative piece for my office! I am SOO excited about how it turned out:

Here's how I did it:
1. I started with an old frame I had gotten at a thrift store for 50 cents and painted the beige fabric around it white to better match my fabric (I didn't take a picture of the painting-sorry!)

2. I painted a wooden letter F (I already had it at home from a different project) and then sanded the edges with sandpaper to give it a distressed look (forgot to take pictures of it after I sanded it, but you can see it on the final project!):

3. Then I had a painting canvas at my house that fit perfectly into the back of the frame so I cut out the fabric around the canvas (I used the same fabric for this project that I used in the lamp shade I covered HERE):
If you didn't have a canvas at home you could also cut a piece of cardboard to the size of your frame! 

4. Next I folded in the corners and stapled them to the wooden canvas frame, using a staple gun:

5. I proceeded to finish wrapping it like a Christmas gift (making sure the material was pulled tight), and put staples all around the edges to secure the fabric:
(If you didn't have a staple gun, you could always use hot glue!)

6. I finished it off by hot gluing the letter on the front of the canvas and then hot gluing the canvas onto the back of the frame (no picture again--I've gotta get better at taking step by step pics :). 

I love repurposing old things and I'm loving that this 50 cent frame is now a focal point for my office:
(I had turned the black picture frame into a dry erase board back at our old house--all I did was put burlap behind the glass and I just use an Expo marker to write verses on it!)

I especially love how it looks on the Target bookcase that I only paid $10 for at Goodwill!!

I still need to finish some final touches in my office before it is finished (hopefully pics will come soon!) And I have more DIY projects up my sleeve--the next one is turning an old frame into a Menu Board! YAY for summer!!


  1. This turned out so GREAT! Thanks for posting!
    Two Friends In First

  2. Really cute! Definitely worth more than 50 cents now. http://mrsbrownthebookworm.blogspot.com/
