
Throwback Thursday {The 3 Bees Classroom Rules}

I'm linking up again today with the fabulous Cara Carroll for her weekly linky:

One of my projects last summer was to update my classroom rules sign. I've used The 3 Bees for the last couple of years and LOVE them! I thought you might enjoy the freebie that is included in this throwback blog post! Maybe you can make it as one of your summer projects! :)


***Originally posted on August 15, 2012***

I've been working on a ton of projects for the classroom the last couple of days. You know those adorable seat crates seen on pinterest? My amazing hubby and family helped me make them this past weekend! Pics to come soon! Can you tell I'm excited about them!?

This year I wanted to redo the rules sign in my classroom. The old sign just needed a little lovin and updating! So, wah-la! My new rules sign:

I was first introduced to the "3 Bees" when I did an internship at a local elementary school in college and when I chose my classroom theme I just knew I had to use them! I took the core rules (Be Ready, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible) and added on the other sayings to expand the meaning for my kiddos. I love the 3 Bees because I feel like all the rules can fit into one of the categories. At the beginning of the year we always brainstorm as a class how these rules should look and we model how to follow them over...and over...and over again! We go over the rules each day and I also made up gestures to go with the rules. Maybe I'll try to video them for you to see. I'm a visual type of girl, but let's just be honest; who likes to see or hear themselves recorded?! I always think: is that REALLY how I sound? Leave me some comment love and it might help motivate me to make a video clip of the gestures!

If you're interested in making this 3 Bees rules poster for your classroom you can download it for free, yes FREE here: (a little sidenote-I heart freebies! Don't you?!)

Super cute font and clipart courtesy of Kevin and Amanda and KPM Doodles.

It was easy peasy lemon squeezy (as my first graders like to say!) to make and cheap too (another thing I heart as well!) I just used an old piece of posterboard for the backing to give the poster stability. I then cut blue bulletin board paper and glued it on top of the old posterboard. I had some leftover yellow border in my classroom, but didn't like the scalloped look for this project. So, I just snipped off the scallops and used that to border the poster. Last step was cutting and gluing on the rules.

I can't wait to hang it up in my classroom!


  1. Neat bee theme! I like your silhouetted armchairs at the end here. Visiting from the linky party : )
    Kids Math Teacher

  2. I'm your newest follower. I found you through Ashley's give away! Isn't this a fun celebration for her! I hope you get lots of new followers!
    Second In Line
