
Follow Me on Blog Lovin'

So you have probably heard that Google Reader is saying goodbye on July 1. I have a confession....I never used Google Reader so I'm not feeling the loss as much as some of my bloggy friends. However, I do have to admit that I jumped on the Blog Lovin' bandwagon and I LOVE it!! Here's the main thing I LOVE about Blog Lovin':
Every night I get ONE email from Blog Lovin' that shows me ALL of the posts by my favorite bloggers that I stalk follow from that day! :) It makes my organized heart happy to know that I can go to one place to make sure that I don't miss out on any of my favs! These talented bloggy friends have TONS of great ideas and tips, I don't want to miss out on!

Trust me-you'll love it too! :) So make sure that you don't miss out and hop on over to set up a Blog Lovin' account! It took me less than a minute to set up my account and for all of the blogs that I followed from Google Friend Connect to be transported to my Blog Lovin' account! Just click on my button below to follow me on Blog Lovin' to make sure that you don't miss out on any ideas or freebies that are posted!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I'm also linking up with Laura Candler today for a fun linky called:

To make sure that you don't miss out on following any of your favorite blogs, just click on the cute bear button above to go on a blog hunt! I'm sure you'll find some great new ones to follow too! :)


  1. I found your blog through school supply addict's giveaway. I've heard several people make reference to bloglovin, so I think I'll try it out. Thanks for spreading the word!

    Teacher at the Wheel

    1. Amanda--you'll love it! :) I'm so glad that we could get connected through Ashley's giveaway! :)

  2. I found you through a pin, and I'm giving you some bloglovin! I love your button!!! Where did you get it?? Did you make it??

    A Teacher Without a Class

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and for the bloglovin! :) I did make the bloglovin' button! :)
