
What a GIFT! {A RACK Linky Party}

I love giving gifts! It's definitely one of my giving love languages! I first saw about RACK {Random Acts of Christmas Kindness} from the amazing Cara Carroll and absolutely LOVE it!

I love being a part of the blogging community! I have found so many blogs and blogging buddies that have become great gifts! And every time they write a new post, it feels like opening a new gift full of GREAT ideas! Don't you agree? Getting to collaborate with other teachers via the blogging world has so inspired, encouraged, and sharpened me to be a better teacher that I wanted to love on and let other bloggers know What a Gift they are! So I've decided to throw my second annual RACK {Random Acts of Christmas Kindness} and would love for you to join me!

Here's how it works:
You choose 2 blogs that you follow {try to pick one newer blog that you recently began following and one blog that you have been following since you first began} and highlight them on your blog by explaining why you think they are such a gift! Then you give them a RACK by offering them one item as a gift from your TPT store!

While it's hard to only pick 2 blogs, here are the 2 blogs I am passing my RACK on to this year:

Just Reed!
In the past couple of months I have been blessed to get to know the super talented Mrs. Reed over at Just Reed! First of all, I just adore the name of her blog, plus she shares a love of freebies, is very creative, and has a beautiful heart to boot! If you haven't already, you need to go over and check her out! She is a gift, that is for sure!! :) Click her button to check her out!

Bunting Books and Bainbridge
I started following Mrs. Bainbridge long before I even knew what a blog was! LOL-ok it probably wasn't that long ago, but I did know about her before blogs were big! In fact, I first followed her classroom webpage. Another teacher at my school sent me her school webpage and told me that I would love it!! She was right--Christina is an inspiring, ubber talented, great gal!! And now she has her very own blog too where you can get all kinds of great idea and resources! If she isn't on your blog roll--you are missing out! Click her button to check her out!

Now it's your turn! Pass on this RACK by adding the button below and highlighting 2 blogs that you follow that are a gift! Be sure to link back to your actual post and not just your blog! Make sure you also let the 2 bloggers know about your post and the RACK gift they receive!


  1. That looks like a lot of fun. I will try and put up a RACK on Monday : )
    ~Lucy Kids Math Teacher

  2. Thanks so much for the lovin'! :) You are awesome and I totally appreciate it! I'm so so glad you have found my ideas helpful! I can't wait to take a peek in your store to find something ah-mazing!

    *Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*

  3. Thank you, precious friend. You have such a sweet spirit, and I'm so thankful to be your bloggy buddy! I'm going to be linking up in a few days to share some RACK with some other bloggers!! :)

  4. What a cute idea!!! Thank you so much & I am excited to announce that I am the very first..... which is a first for me..haha!!!

  5. Thanks for hosting! I found you through Leigh at The Applicious Teacher, who RACK'ed me! I'm your newest follower!
    Merry Christmas!

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom
