
Valentine's Day 50% off FLASH SALE

Well, with the 100th day behind us, the next big day in first grade is Valentine's Day!

Here are some of the sweet activities that I will be using this week as we celebrate this day of love!

I can't wait to have my kids make these techy craftivities and write sweet notes to their parents. I of course, for my sample, had to write my sweet note to Mr. Foxwell! :) By the way, this techy craftivity also comes with 7 other writing prompt options for the front!

Every day for morning work, my kids write heart notes to each other! We pull out a name from this heart note mailbox and then the class writes a kind note to them. I then collect all of the heart notes and put them into a book for the student to take home. The student whose name is pulled colors and creates the cover. My kids can't wait to see whose name is pulled each day! They LOVE this activity!

We have been working hard on the the powerful letter e! I can't wait for my kids to do this fun room hunt, where they make the powerful letter e wands, and then fill the Love Monster's heart up with the powerful letter e! The kids will then write the results on a recording sheet!

For math, we will be having some FUN with estimation. This year my class was blessed to receive 6 iPads and my kiddos A.D.O.R.E. them! So when I sent home the "iPad" letter home to their parents on Friday explaining that they each needed to bring in a container with 20-100 pieces of candy for us to have some fun with estimation, there was all kinds of excitement in my room! Everyone will get to write their estimations in the correct numbered app and then when we find out the results, they will identify if the number is greater or less than the actual number of candy in each container! Can't wait for this! 
We will also be putting on our scientist lab coats to do this sweet science experiement. Click on the picture below to be taken to the post with the explanation and freebie!
Click HERE or on the picture above to grab this FREEBIE

All of these activities and MORE are included in my iHOLD You in My Heart Valentine's Day unit! AND the best news is both of my Valentine's Day products are on SALE for 50% off from now until midnight on Monday, February 11!! Click on the picture below to go get your copy for only $3.00!
And if you are interested in just the techy craft, I have put it in a separate unit. Click on the picture below to get it at 50% off for only $1.50!
I heart a good sale, especially on a Monday! :) Remember this flash sale will end Monday night!

Have a great start to your week!


  1. I just came across your blog. Thanks for sharing this science experiment. I am totally doing that this year! Newest follower :)

