
Win a Custom Blog Design!!

AHHH!! Did you see? Did you see? My blog got a makeover and I am in LOVE!!!
It's ok--go ahead and take another look! I have. Like a bazillion times. *Sigh* It's just so beautiful and I keep going back to make sure that it is really still there and that it really is MY BLOG!!

The amazing and talented designer that brought my blog dreams to life was the talented Courtney Juneau from Blogs Fit for a Queen:
Courtney was a dream to work with!! She seriously makes you feel like a queen!! I have been dreaming of having my blog professionally designed for a long time and was so excited when I found Blogs Fit for a Queen! Courtney was able to take all of my ideas and dreams for my blog and bring them to life! With top-notch communication, she worked diligently to listen to my ideas, answer all of my questions, and make sure that every detail was done with precision and care. This girl is one talented designer! If you have been thinking and dreaming of a blog makeover, Courtney is your girl!!! She has many different options for design that are affordable and can easily fit into your budget! Packages range from $30-$50 with several add-on options. Click HERE to check out her packages! 

I am SO excited because to celebrate my new blog design Courtney has allowed me to giveaway one of her Custom Blog Designs:
You too can have your dream blog designed!! The winner of this giveaway is going to get the ultimate blog makeover!! Courtney is giving away her Premium Custom Blog Package! Here is what you will get:
This package is a $50 value! 

I am SO excited for you!! Be sure to check this girl out and enter to win the blog of your dreams!! The giveaway will end on Thursday, June 12 at midnight (EST).

Ok-I'm off to look at my blog...again! I can't believe that it's actually mine!! :)


  1. Loving your blog :) I would have something similar too but with blue

    1. Thank you so much Brooke! Blue would look great!!

  2. Love your new blog design. Super cute! Congrats!

    Luv My Kinders

    1. Thanks Laura!! Courtney did an amazing job!

  3. I LOVE your new design!!! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a blog makeover!
    Teaching Ever After

  4. I soooo need a new blog! I'm in the market now actually so if I win this then it's FATE! I would love a French cafe inspired blog. Bryn

  5. I SO need to win this! It's on my to do list to start a blog this summer! Not sure what theme I would do. My classroom is lime green, black, and red with ladybugs but I'm a runner and might tie in with that! Fingers crossed!

  6. Your NEW Blog site is darling and I think that Courtney did a TREEmendous job! Enjoy!!

  7. Love your blog! Would love to update ours! :)

  8. I want to switch my blog to navy, green, and polka dots!!

  9. Your new blog is beyond adorable! I am definitely following Courtney as I may be looking her up in the near future!!! Thanks!

    Mathematically yours,
    Jamie aka MissMathDork

  10. It's so hard to decide about theme... I've been thinking about changing mine... I want a blog that is classy, but fun. Your blog does a great job of combining those two things!

  11. I'd love nautical as usual, but a bit more subtle than what I have now! I love the colors of greens, blues, whites, and reds! :) Thanks for the chance!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  12. I would love any of her themes! Something that is bright and catchy, but not too busy!! Love your new design!

  13. Love your new design!! I'm loving pastel rainbow with gray. All of her work is adorable!

  14. Your new blog is super cute! I am thinking about getting mine done, I just don't know how I would want it! There are just too many options!

  15. You're blog looks great! My dream blog would be PINK! I don't know what other colors would be in there, but pink for sure! =)

    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel

  16. I love pink so it would have to be pink...and something timeless but fun I think (for the design).

  17. I would LOVE a new blog design. I love bright colors, I love turquoise and coral, I love grey. I have no idea what I would do!

  18. So cute! I love it!


  19. I would love a designed blog! I'd love to have blues, greens, pinks and polka dots :-) not 100% sure what I'd like to get just yet...

  20. A new blog design would be great because I am going to relaunch my blog this summer! My theme would be owls since my blog is called Owl About Education!

  21. This is awesome!! I love it!! The colors and graphics are amazing. My goal is to get my blog up and running this summer. I am switching my classroom theme to navy, red, and kelly green...a semi nautical theme!!!

  22. Primary colors with apples, books, and crayons!

    Christina Marie :)
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  23. I love cool tones with a touch of sparkle :) I love what Ms. BLOG QUEEN did with your blog!

  24. Love the way your header looks, especially the trees!

    The Math Maniac

  25. I blogged all the time between 2011-2013, but got away from it during a VERY busy year. A new background would be a welcome change and might kick my blogging butt into gear when it comes to posting. :D Thanks for hosting this giveaway with Blogs Fit For A Queen!

  26. Love the chevron! I would have apples too:)
    The Resourceful Apple

  27. The blog of my dreams would have the colors of a french cottage.

  28. I would love a new blog with teal, lime and maybe black. Love your new blog design...great choices!!!

  29. Your blog is so adorable! I'm doing a nautical theme and would love to see my blog match it! My blog desparately needs an update! =O)
    One Happy Teacher

  30. Your new blog design is basically a dream design of mine! Grey chevron and bright colors!

  31. I love your new design! I would definitely have to have some pinks... teals... bright colors...sparkles.

  32. Your new design is beautiful! I'm thinking of getting a blog make-over from Blogs Fit For a Queen.

  33. Definitely chevron, dots, and brights!!! Yours looks awesome!!!!

  34. Love this! I would want purple chevron! Love purple. =)

  35. I would love something with dots and bright colors! Your blog looks amazing! Congrats on your new design!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  36. Sweetie, I adore your new blog design! And I am wondering what theme I would want for myself...perhaps a cafe theme to fit my blog title?? So many ideas, its hard to decide on one!

  37. I would like a sports theme or red & black. I love your newly designed blog!!

  38. Love your new design!! I think I would choose a sports theme with black & red as the main colors.

  39. I would like a blog design with black and bright neon colors!

  40. Love your design! Found you through IG! I'd love anything bright pink and navy!

  41. I would love a whimsical mother goose theme…. :)

    MaMa Goose’s Kindergarten

  42. Love your new design. Great giveaway!
    Primary Paradise

  43. It would be amazing to win a new blog design. Love your new blog. I would have a Florida theme with bright colors.
