
End of the Year Awards

Can you believe that the school year is winding down so fast!? With only 14 days of school left there is still a lot to do! Plus I recently found out that I will be moving classrooms next year. Not grade level though, so don't worry-I will still be in first!! :) This does mean though that there is a lot to do--it also means that I will get to decorate a new classroom! Picked out my fabric and color schemes this weekend! Pics to come soon! :)

Throughout the school year I always emphasize that "different is the beauty of life!" Each and every student has different skills, strengths, and personalities! The end of the year is a perfect time to celebrate these differences and celebrate the individuality of each child! Kids LOVE animals, so I decided to make my end of the year awards animal-themed:

These awards will be a fun and meaningful way to send my precious kiddos off for summer and as they get ready for next year!

I have created 32 different animal awards to choose from so that every child can receive a different award! Each award comes in color:

and each award comes in black and white to help with ink (sometimes economical is just the way to go!)

I love to be organized so I created and have included an awards assignment list that lists ALL of the 32 awards plus has a spot for you to write in your kiddos names! 

I plan on printing off this awards assignment page first and using my class roster sheet to assign each kiddo an award. Then I'll print off the awards I need and I'll be all set to write in the information on each award! I love when things are efficient!!! Our time is precious and I'm hopping the awards assignment list helps you pick awards each year!

The last day of school I plan on having a special "ceremony" time with my students to hand out their awards. I'm so excited to give them each their own unique award! Graduating from first grade is kind of a *big* deal and I'm going to miss my kiddos so much! It's so important to send them off with one more reminder of how special each and everyone of them is! I'll also be giving them their Summer Break Challenge and gift (that cost under $1.50 each!!)
(click HERE to find out more about my summer gift).

Altogether this awards packet includes:
*Award Assignment List
*32 animal-themed awards (available in both color or black and white)

The End of the Year Awards will be on sale for the next 24 hours!!


  1. I love that these can be printed in Black and White! jkroske@gmail.com

  2. Your awards look absolutely adorable! Beautiful in color but also striking by printing them on colored paper! I love the bucket end-of-the-year gift idea!


  3. I love the animal awards, since I hate it when students and parents get too competitive about 'best student' and all that nonsense...in second grade! Plenty of time for that later, I think.

    tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com

  4. These look great! Good luck changing rooms. I find it is a lot of work but a great time to go through your stuff and get super organized!

    The Math Maniac
