
Move to Learn

It feels like we have had indoor recess for almost all of the month of January. And last week was also a full moon...need I explain more? ;)

Well I can't sing the praises enough for a new website I came across that has FREE, yes FREE 5-minute brain break exercise videos. It's called Move to Learn and let me tell you--it has has been a HUGE lifesaver these long, indoor recess days of January! 

They have videos for primary ages and videos for intermediate grades. My kids like to try a different video each time, but here is of one of our favorites so far:

I join in with the kids during the video and I can say that it has helped my kids focus so much better and has helped keep this teacher sane! :) 

Did I mention it's FREE? Check it out HERE or click on the image below!

How do you get your kids moving to learn?


  1. I LOVE Move to Learn! They came to the school I did my first student teaching placement at (unfortunately, it was after I left)! I have to admit that their videos give me some good cardio, ha!

    Sarah Beth
    Miss White's Classroom

  2. Wow! What a treasure trove! Thank you so much for spreading the news!!!!!

  3. Love! We have had so much indoor recess and have been using lots off YouTube math videos. I am running out of ideas and my kids are ready for some new things.
