
100 Days Smarter FREEBIE

I don't know if you've heard, but the 100th day is kind of a *big* deal in first grade. By big deal, I mean it's like our official holiday of January. We even count down (or up-not sure which one! lol) the days to the 100th day of school starting on the very first day of first grade. Truly Christmas should be jealous of the dedication we show to this official first grade holiday! ;)

Our 100th day was going to be this Friday, but insert the coldness and snowiest winter on the planet, and with all of our snow/cold days we're still keeping our fingers crossed that the day will actually arrive. lol It *should* be here next Wednesday, but we are already at a 2 hour delay for cold temps tomorrow, so we shall see how it goes!

Nonetheless, both my precious firsties and I are eager for this day! Today while my kiddos were doing their tens and ones for the 93rd day of school, they were all so excited to announce that the 100th day is only 7 days away! Everyday when we are counting the day of school with our tens and ones, ten frames, tallies...you know in as many ways as possible to get extra math practice in, I always tell my students that they are that many days smarter. Truly they are blowing my socks off with their smartness and I just couldn't help but make them these 100 Days Smarter certificates tonight:
I'm planning to make a big deal out of their grand accomplishment-I mean by george these kiddos have been putting in long hours of hard work to get to this grand day! I plan to have each student come up to the front of the class to shake my hand, get their certificate, and receive an extra loud HOO-RAH from our classmates!

It's been awhile since I've done a Fan Freebie and I just appreciate you all so much that I wanted to share these certificates with you! I've even given you the option of color OR black and white, because we all know that ink sometimes only goes so far. :)

This 100th Day Freebie is on my Facebook page-click HERE or on the picture to go to my Facebook page! If you are already a follower just click the Fan Freebie tab! If you aren't a follower, just like my Facebook page HERE and then click the Fan Freebie tab! 

What other things do you do to celebrate and make the 100th day special? Let me know! I'd love to read them!!


  1. Thank you so much for this freebie! I do a lot of things for the 100th day. We will be dressing up like little old 100-year-olds and writing about being 100 years old. We will be making a 100 day snack, a 100-fruit loop necklace, doing exercises in groups of 100, writing about what they would buy with $100. Basically, all things have something to do with the number 100, whether it be in language arts, math, art, etc. [and I will definitely be handing out your awesome 100 days smarter certificate!]

    Thanks again,
    Monkeying Around in First

  2. I LOVE your 100th day Ideacertificate. Ours is the day after we get back from Spring break, on the 25th! There are so many good ideas out there it's going to be SO hard to pick the ones my first graders will have the most fun with.

    Mrs. D @ Reading with Mrs. D
