
WINNER of my ENTIRE TPT store is...

Well, I can't believe that the giveaway is over after only a couple of hours, but I just received notice that my Donors Choose project Turn Our IPad into a Document Camera (click here to check it out) has been FULLY FUNDED!!!
WOW! I am so overjoyed and humbled by the generous giving and support that everyone gave so that my classroom could receive this document camera stand! Thank you to everyone who gave to this project and allowed my students to be able to have this technology so that we can use our IPad as a document camera! I am so excited for all of the ways that this is going to benefit my students and allow them to see what we are learning! It truly is going to impact the way I teach as well as the way my students learn for the better! 

I am truly blown away by everyone's generosity and can't wait to tell my students all about everyone's care and support!!

Now for the big announcement of the winner of my Entire TPT store!

Could I get a drumroll please for....
Congratulations Molly!! Lots of goodies coming your way soon! :)

Thank you to everyone who gave and entered! I just couldn't let any of you walk away empty handed, so:

I am so overwhelmed by this!! Thank you so very much for all of your care and support!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I can't believe I won! I am so happy for you to get this project funding. I know your kids are going to really enjoy using the technology.
