
Join Team Lewy Body and get $163 of fabulous products for $25!

Hi sweet friends!! I'm so sorry that I have been M.I.A. lately! I promise I have a TON of pictures of what we have been doing and LOTS of blog posts written...in my head...to share! But life has just been all kinds of crazy with teaching, grad school, and life in general. Good, but crazy! Like I'm feeling a little like Dory...just keep swimming, just keep swimming.... Anyone else feeling that way? So much to do, so little time!

Anyways, I had to stop and share about a FANTASTIC opportunity to support a GREAT cause that my sweet bloggy friend Ashley Reed is hosting over at:
Just Reed!
Sidenote--(sorry when I'm tired I'm kind of like the dogs in the movie Up...Squirrel!) Don't you all just love the name of her blog! Trust me-you'll love her even more! She's wonderful!! :) 

I truly believe that the Lord can turn even our most difficult things into beautiful displays of His goodness and you can read all about how Ashley's family is allowing the Lord to use their father's illness to help others HERE on her blog.

Ashley's father has Lewey Body Dementia and she, along with some of the top bloggers have put together an amazing packet of products to raise money for the Lewy Body Dementia Association! By making a donation of $25 or more on her blog, you can help out this wonderful cause AND receive all of these amazing products too!

 Just click HERE to find out more and to also help spread awareness of Lewy Body Dementia!

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