
What could you do with a dollar?

There are lots of things we can do with a dollar, aren't there? Some that immediately came to mind were:
-get something from the dollar store (every teacher's favorite store!)
-go to the Target dollar bin (another teacher favorite!)
-get something off of the dollar menu

All of those are great ways to use a dollar, but what if I told that you that there was a way to use your dollar to make a BIG DIFFERENCE? What if there was a way to shower LOVE and CARE onto other teachers, classrooms, and students? A dollar may not seem like much, but it can be used in a powerful way through something called:
Click HERE to check it out!

Caring Classrooms is a community started by the kind, talented, and caring Laura Candler! In the past couple of weeks people have been using their dollars to give to teacher's Donor Choose projects and have been making a BIG DIFFERENCE!
Let these numbers sink in:
Since Laura Candler started the Caring Classrooms giving page,
114 project have been funded
6,363 students have been reached
$11, 961 has been raised!!!

That my friend is the power of a dollar! :) Isn't that SO exciting!! 

I know we all work hard for our dollars and give a lot already, but with just one dollar you can help other teachers and students get much needed supplies and resources to help them be successful! Each week I look forward to going to the Caring Classroom page and giving to a project to help another teacher get one step closer to having their project funded!

And you can too! Just click HERE to go the Caring Classrooms page or click HERE to go to the Caring Classrooms Facebook page! Together we can make a big difference...one dollar at a time!

AND by using the code ZONKER you can make your dollar double by having your dollar matched by a participating donor!!

I have seen many great projects funded and am hoping that my first Donors Choose project will be funded soon too! If you are interested in checking out the project for my classroom and giving to it, my students and I would be so grateful! We are asking for a rolling easel to help making our morning messages, writing times, reading of big books, and center times more interactive and hands-on! We are very close and only need $197 to get our rolling easel!! Just think-if 10 people gave $10 and used the matching code ZONKER our project would be funded! Every dollar makes a big difference! Thank you for helping us get one step closer to having our project funded!

Isn't it SO exciting what a dollar can do! :)


  1. What a wonderfully inspirational post. Thank you for changing my thought pattern to something a little less self-centered on this Sunday afternoon. Cathe

    1. You are so sweet Cathe! Giving is powerful, isn't it!

  2. Thanks so much for taking time to write about the Caring Classrooms Community and share what we are doing!

    1. Thanks Laura! I am just so excited about Caring Classrooms!! What a great way to bless others!! Thank you for all that you do to help teachers, students, and communities!!

  3. Congrats on being featured on the Caring Classrooms page. I donated to your project! I am certain you'll be funded quickly! :)
