
FREE and easy Rewards...yes please!!

Hold the phone...is it already August 1?! Gosh golly-where has this summer gone? I'm sorry that the crickets have been chirping rather loudly on my blog the past two weeks! Between grad class and being out of town for my sister in laws wedding life has been busy! Today I'm going to give the crickets a temporary break by linking up with Cara Carroll again for her throwback linky:

It may seem weird to throwback to a 100 follower giveaway announcement....BUT have I told you how much I heart freebies!! Don't we all! Well when I threw my 100 follower giveaway, I just couldn't help myself--I had to celebrate with EVERYONE! So if you are in need of some FREE and easy reward coupons to use this school year, be sure to snag the freebie in this throwback!! 

Ok-now it's back to the grad work... :) I'l try not to let the crickets overtake the blog for so long again! ;)

***Originally posted on January 4, 2013***

We have a winner for the
Can I get a drumroll please?!

Congratulations to Kirra L. who has won the $20 of clipart from the amazing Miss Tina, $20 of products from Stampin' Up, and my entire TPT store!! Kirra: you're going to be having a happy inbox and also have some fabulous online shopping to do! :)

THANK YOU to everyone who entered! I didn't want any of you to walk away empty handed, so I have a FREEBIE to share with you! :)
Clipart and Font thanks to Miss TinaKPM Doodles, and JW Illustrations

I was in the need of some new and free {love the free part!} rewards for my kiddos for the start of the New Year and made up these coupons. My kiddos are eating them up! They are SO motivated to earn these babies! Sitting at my desk during Daily 5 has been the biggest hit so far! Who knew?
Currently there are 7 reward coupons to choose from:
1. Using markers for the day
2. Using an ISpy book for the day
3. Bringing in a read aloud book for the class
4. Borrowing one teacher book for the day
5. Picking an item from the prize box (this is the only one that costs you money)
6. Sitting at the teacher's desk during Daily 5
7. Sitting at the teacher's desk (a blank option for you to fill in when they can sit there)
I printed them and laminated them so that they can be reused over and over again. I hope they are helpful for you!

Thanks again to everyone who helped make this such a great 100 follower giveaway! I'm looking forward to the days ahead!


  1. I love the rewards; they are precious! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  2. THanks for the coupons they are so cute!
