
Optimum Organization: Who's the Leader? (with a FREEBIE!)

It's Saturday, which means it's time for some more:

This week I'm going to do a little *updated* flashback to a post I did HERE about things I love BUT I'm adding a little freebie this time to go with it! So be sure to check out the freebie at the end!

Managing papers and materials can be a hassle. I remember during my first year of teaching feeling like so much time was wasted in passing out papers and materials, so I thought I'd give four papers to one person at the table to pass out. Brilliant, right? I thought so...until I couldn't keep track of who I gave the papers to the last time and you all know that when that happens-it's just going to go downhill! I don't do whining very well in my classroom, so after hearing "When will I get a turn to pass out the papers? It's not fair that he always gets the papers..." I decided a solution needed to happen and happen quickly!

One of the values at our school is creating leaders, so as I thought about this value and thought about my little big problem of passing out papers and materials. This was the solution:
Here's how it works: Each group of tables has their own "Who's the Leader?" owl. (You could do any animal or sign that works with your classroom theme, just put a magnet on the back of it!)

The owl starts on the first desk and on that day the student gets to be the table leader. The table leader is the one that passes out all of the papers and materials for the day. For example, when I pass out papers, I hand four papers to the table leader and they pass them out to their table. Or if we need math manipulatives, the table leader gets the manipulatives for the whole table, passes them out, and puts them back when they are finished. 
At the end of the day the table leader then "flies" the owl over to the next student's table (we go in a counter clock wise motion):
I have the rule that students can't play with the owl on their desk or fly it until the end of the day. If they do play with it or move it before the end of the day, they lose the owl and don't get to be the table leader the rest of the day. Trust me, you only have to take the owl away once and you don't have any more problems with students playing with it!

Also if a student is absent the person who would be the table leader next, gets to be the table leader for the day!

Here's why I love table leaders:
-the students manage all of the papers and materials
-it maximizes our time as teachers and allows for smoother transitions
-the daily rotations allows for frequent leadership opportunities and rotation is student managed, which means its an easy system to maintain
-kids LOVE being leaders and can't wait to get to be table leader!
-it helps eliminate the whining and "life isn't fair" syndrome when it comes to passing out papers and supplies :)

If you'd like to implement table leaders into your classroom this year I have made you a "Who's the Leader" FREEBIE!! I've been loving all of the CUTE chalkboard themes going around, so I gave it a whirl--I hope you like it! :)

All you will need to do is just print these, cut them, add a magnet to the back of them, and WA-LA you're ready to begin implementing table leaders!

What are some ways that you organize your classroom? Be sure to link up HERE for this great linky party!!


  1. First of all, we LOVE your blog! Your "about me" is adorable and made us smile because we feel the same way about first grade! Secondly, love this idea. We do table "captains" and they have that job for the whole week! Love the idea of having it be a leader instead and changing it daily! Thanks for sharing your idea and for the freebie!

    Frugal In First

  2. This is so lovely! I completely agree that children love to lead, we're taking Stephen R. Covey's 7 Habits as guidelines for being successful leaders in 5th grade this year (in our school 5th is the oldest so they are leading our school!) and they're really excited to get started. Thanks for the freebie!

    Sorry About The Mess

  3. Everything organised & eliminating of whining works for me. I need to make it visual for the Little Learners too so Thanks for the freebie. I put line leaders names at the door so no one argues pushes whines here either.

    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  4. Thanks for this awesome freebie and idea! I love that it gives the students more leadership and it gives the teacher a little more time to prep! :)

    Glitter and Gradebooks

  5. What a cute way to rotate leaders! Going to show this one to my teachers. They'll love it. Sara B.

  6. Such a great idea!! Thanks for sharing your freebie!!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  7. I love this idea b/c I have some tables with 4 and some with 5 desks. Last year, I changed every week and we rotated to the right. It worked well except the two groups with 5 desks:( My desks have a basket underneath, so nothing to magnetize. Perhaps I can do a velcro tab on the back of each chair and put it there:) Cute!!! Thanks.


  8. I think this is a great way to be more efficient in the classroom while building student independence and leadership. What a simple but effective idea. It really would be easy to make these to match any classroom theme. Also- if you have an inkjet printer, they make magnetic printer paper now that works really well! LOVE YOUR BLOG! I am so glad I clicked on your dice organization post on pinterest. I will be following you with google friend connect!

    The Math Maniac
