
Optimum Organization: Rolling Out the Dice

If you've been following for a while, then you know that I *heart* organization, so I am very excited to be linking up:

Today I'm going to share my organizational tip for storing dice:

As you can see from the picture-I love using different kinds of dice! They are WONDERFUL for math centers and learning activities/games! One thing I love about having different kinds of dice is that you can have a center that is on it's last leg, and all I need to do is put out different dice and my kids get all kinds of excited! :)

Last year I went through entire classroom and organized it (more ideas and pics coming soon!) It drove me all kinds of crazy that my dice were all mixed together. I originally thought a bead organizer would work, but my hubby had a better idea: the fishing tackle box! What I like about using a fishing tackle box is that the inside storage compartments have movable dividers which allow you to adjust them to the sizes that you need. 
I have to say I use my dice more now that they are organized! And my kids enjoy using them too!

Interested in one of these organizers for your classroom? You can find them here for a great price!

How do you stay organized in your classroom? You can link up and/or read lots of other great organization ideas with Optimum Organization here!


  1. Okay, so I use tackle boxes for keeping things in alphabetical order. Examples, letter beads, letter unifix cubes, letter stamps, etc... Why haven't I ever thought of using them for other storage options? Duh! This is a great way to store dice. Thanks for sharing!

  2. That is a great idea and a fabulous collection of dice!

  3. This is a wonderful idea! I can't wait to get to school and get a hold of my bucket of dice. Thanks for sharing.
    Tales from a Fourth Grade MathNut

  4. Great idea! I had to pin it so I'd remember.

    Surfing to Success

  5. Thanks for posting about my giveaway on your Facebook page! I appreciate your help!

  6. This is a fabulous idea and one that I think I MUST do! I just have all of my dice in one large shoe box bin. This makes so much more sense! Thanks for the tip and thanks for linking up with us :)


    Fun in Room 4B

  7. LOVE this idea. I will need several tackle boxes because I have about 1000 dice. They really are the quickest and easiest way to differentiate math centers and make great centers on their own. I did a post about using dice and kid-made record sheets for math fluency and people loved it. They are such a good way to make kids feel like they are having fun while learning math.

    The Math Maniac
