
We Like to Move It, Move It with Bouncy Bands!

When you have a classroom full of 6 and 7 year olds and need to keep them engaged and motivated to learn you have to get them MOVING!! We move and groove all day long with gestures, songs, and brain breaks. We're on the carpet, we're at the small group table, we're in centers, we're at our desks, we're back on the carpet, we're back at our desks--we are constantly moving.

Yet it is hard to move while you are sitting at your desks and even though I try to limit the length of time my students are in their seats (since we only get 1 minute of attention span per the child's year of age) it is still a pretty stationary part of our day. Basically desk time can be an all aboard the struggle bus for many students--especially our precious kiddos who have ADD/ADHD tendencies. My job as the teacher is to make sure that every child can be successful in my classroom. I knew there had to be a way to help my kiddos move and learn while at their desks so I began looking for some solutions! During my search I came across Bouncy Bands!

Have you heard about Bouncy Bands?

Boy, was I excited to find out about them! "Wiggle while you work"--what kid wouldn't want to do that!

Take a look at this video about them:

Once I found out about these I knew I had to give them a try! When my Bouncy Bands arrived I was SO excited to have the opportunity to try out and review these Bouncy Bands in my classroom! If you follow me on Instagram you saw my excitement about their arrival:

I was able to try 2 Bouncy Bands made to go on chairs and 1 Bouncy Band made to go on the desk:

One of the first things I noticed about the Bouncy Bands was how durable they are! I even had a couple of my coworkers comment on how well these were made. They are also super easy to put on your student's desks or chairs--you literally just slip them on and off.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy! No one has time for something that is labor intensive, so the easy installation factor was a win in my book!

If the quality and ease of installation wasn't good enough, my student's reaction to them was the icing on the cake! For the past month I have switched them around the room so that different students can try them out. I asked my students what their opinion is about the Bouncy Bands and the common theme was that they LOVE them!

I can talk all day about them, but the important thing is what do the kids think! Here is what my first graders are saying about them:

"It is so fun! I want to keep it at home! I love it!"

"When I bounce on it, it helps me with my math."

"It is fun to bounce on while I work."

"It helps me be able to think and get answers faster."

Basically, my students like to Move it, Move it with Bouncy Bands!

Want to give them a try?
Bouncy Bands are a cost-effective way to help your students exert that precious energy in positive ways! They are available for purchase on the Bouncy Bands website or on Amazon.com. And I have GREAT NEWS!! You know how much I love a good sale! Well, you can get 15% off on your Bouncy Band purchase until November 30 by using the code 15off on the Bouncy Band website!

Want a class set of Bouncy Bands?
If you are interested in a class set of Bouncy Bands here are some helpful tips on how to write a Donors Choose request for them.

If you try them let me know what you think about them! I'd love to hear how your class liked to "Move it, move it" with Bouncy Bands!

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