
Tricks and Tips for Teachers: Reuse Disinfecting Wipe Containers for Storage {A Weekly Linky}

Happy Thursday!
{Collaboration and sharing is a great way to learn and grow as a teacher! Tricks and Tips for Teachers is a weekly linky party held every Thursday as a place for you to join in and share a post about a teaching tip or trick on your blog. Just grab the button above and link it back to this post. Then come back to this post and link up your blog post by using the linky tool at the bottom of this post. I can't wait to read your great tricks and tips and learn and grow together!}

I love this Thursday linky party! Not only do we get to share great tricks and tips, but Thursday also means that tomorrow is Friday!! We can make it friends! :)

This week's teaching tip is on Reusing Disinfecting Wipe Containers for Storage!
Let's just admit it--this picture pretty much summarizes how teachers feel about containers!

Lol -gotta love that baby face!

When I got my teaching job I was blessed to have lots of great math manipulatives, but most of them were in ziploc bags. Talk about teacher nightmare! They wouldn't stay sealed or sit or stack well in the cabinet. To say the least I was tired of playing manipulative spill pick up when ziploc bags came spilling out of the cabinet or weren't sealed properly! There was only one solution for this problem--I had to get some containers and get them fast! But containers also cost money and I'm always looking for budget friendly ways to get things for my classroom! And FREE is the best kind of deal, right?!

So I was looking around my classroom wondering, where can I find containers to store some of these manipulatives. In particular, where could I store the hundreds of play money I had lurking in those ziploc bags.

I remember using the last wipe in a Lysol container and just as I was about to toss it in the trash can had a light bulb moment!

These containers were just the right size to hold my plastic money math manipulatives! The top stays sealed, the containers can be stacked, and best of all they were FREE containers! I just took off the label, cleaned out the inside of the empty Lysol container, added my own label, and BOOM I had some new free storage!
I also liked that not only did the the tops seal tight, but they also are easy enough for students to open and close too!
Yes my friends, new containers are absolutely magical!!

Well, there's my tip for the week! Have a teaching tip or trick that you'd like to share?! It could be about creative storage solutions OR about anything teaching related! Just write a blog post with a tip or trick, include the linky party button at the top with a link back to my blog, and link up below!

I can't wait to read your tricks and tips for teachers!


  1. I make the same face as that baby when I get new containers! It's just so fun to organize! Great idea with the Lysol containers!

    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel

  2. Awesome idea.....and your pictures are cracking me up! Sponge Bob was the best....haha :)

    Mind Sparks
