
Win My Entire Store!!!

I'm throwing a HUGE giveaway for a chance to win my entire TPT Store!
Take a look at ALL of the products that you could win--it's a grand prize worth OVER $135:
Click HERE to check out all of the items you could win from my TPT store.

Now I have to admit, this giveaway is a little different from usual giveaways. In order to enter you have to give at least a $1 to our Donors Choose Project:
Bringing Books to Life with Audio (click HERE to check it out) AND use the matching code INSPIRE to match your donation. Here are the details:
I know that this is not like a typical giveaway thrown, but I am so passionate about getting this project funded for my students and it only has $276 $132 to go!! Every dollar makes a difference and these listening center materials are going to greatly impact my students' learning!

We were SO blessed to get 2 new CD players, 6 headphones, and 2 splitters for our listening center through another Donors Choose project! But now we need books with audio CDs to listen to! In the primary grades especially it is so important for students to have many opportunities to read and listen to a variety of stories. A listening center helps build stronger readers by providing some of the following educational benefits: models good fluency (reading rate and expression), builds vocabulary, provides access to higher levels of texts, exposes students to a variety of books and genres, and reinforces listening skills. By having these books with audio CDs, it will allow a couple of students to able to listen to the some of our favorite stories at our new listening center during our daily center time.

Your donation will help our class be able to listen to audio books during our center time! Not only does this help our love of learning grow, but it also helps us become better readers too! 
Plus, I have a special surprise BONUS for anyone who gives and enters:

Thank you so much for helping out our classroom! What I LOVE about this giveaway is that at the end EVERYONE gets to be a WINNER!!


  1. My children love any books. I'm partial to Eric Carle books. My kinders love the Little Critter books. Hope you get your project funded. Glad I could help.

  2. Favorie books in my classroom to listen to are the "If You Give A... " books!

  3. I just had my Donors Choose project fully funded today!! I'm glad I got to help another teacher towards their goal!! Good luck!!! :)
    -Elyse @ A is for Apples

  4. My Kinders LOVE LOVE LOVE to listen to fact books more than any other genre. No kidding. It's amazing really.

  5. There are so many that my students love, but some of their favorites are "Minnie and Moo Go to the Moon", "Imogene's Antlers" and "Click, Clack, Moo...Cows that Type." :-)

  6. Oh please! I'm crossing my fingers. marylin77@msn.com

  7. My kids love any books. They love to be read to. I like singing any "There Was An Old Lady..." book. They like to join in.

  8. Donors Choose helped me out with awesome materials several times when I was teaching in Texas. I wish there was an opportunity like this overseas. I was happy to donate. Enjoy those books!
    Shawn Turpin

  9. We don't have a listening center, sniff, sniff! Best wishes for funding your.

  10. What a great fundraising idea! Hope I win !!! :) We use Raz kids...it's great to listen, read and take quizzes on. The kids love the variety and I love that the questions are similar to the TRC(mclass reading 3D) that we have to use for our formal assessments.

  11. I don't have a classroom right now (just a sub) but I know how much kids love listening to books and it helps so much with fluency! I hope your project will be fully funded!

  12. I hope I did that right to get it posted to your account. Best of luck to you. When I was teaching we had tons of audio casettes that we used contstantly at listening centers, so I know how important that is. Best of luck to you.

  13. I was happy to help out! My students enjoy the following authors: Ezra Jack Keats, Jan Brett, Gail Gibbons, and Steve Jenkins among many others. Maria

  14. I love Donors Choose! And I love audio books in the classroom. We use CD's and tapes, Tumblebooks, and various apps on the iPad.
