

UPDATE: I just received an email saying that my Donors Choose project has been FULLY FUNDED!!! Thank you SOOO much to everyone who gave and shared this giveaway! The giveaway is now closed and I will be announcing a winner soon, as well as sending the bonus surprises to all entrants!! Thank you! I am so overjoyed and humbled my this great gift!!

I'm throwing a HUGE giveaway for a chance to win my entire TPT Store!

Take a look at ALL of the products that you could win--it's a grand prize worth OVER $125:
Click HERE to check them out in my TPT store.

Now I have to admit, this giveaway is going to be a little different from any other giveaway I have run before. In order to enter you have to give at least a $1 to our Donors Choose Project:
Turn Our IPad into a Document Camera (click here to check it out) AND use the matching code INSPIRE to match your donation. Here are the details:
I know that this is not like a typical giveaway thrown, but I am so passionate about getting this project funded for my students and it only has $81 to go!! Every dollar makes a difference and this document camera stand is going to greatly impact my students' learning!

The reason I picked this document camera stand is because while document cameras are wonderful tools, they are also quite expensive. With this specific stand I can turn our classroom IPad into a document camera for a fraction of the cost!! This document stand will be used during lessons for teaching concepts through demonstrations and it will allow the entire class to interact with stories, student work, and information that they would not be able to see without the projection of a document camera onto our board.
Students learn best through seeing and doing: this document camera stand and cords will allow them to do both!! How exciting is that!
Plus, I have a special surprise BONUS for anyone who gives and enters:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you so much for helping out our classroom! What I LOVE about this giveaway is that at the end EVERYONE gets to be a WINNER!!


  1. We love our promethean board. It has made a huge difference in our classroom.


  2. My class has benefited by having an ELMO projector. I use it several times a day for Math and Language Arts. Best of luck to you!

  3. We love our ELMO document camera. I'm sure you will love having this capability through your iPad document camera.

  4. Good Luck! I'm sure your kids will love this.

  5. We have a document camera - ipevo. It is great but sure do wish I had an interactive tool.

  6. Love our Smartboard. We are also lucky enough to have 5 iPads that the kiddos just love learning on. Hope your class enjoys their new technology!
