
Loving Wisdom for New Teachers Linky Party!

I'm linking up today with Deb Thomas for a fun linky party called: Loving Wisdom for New Teachers! 

There is so much that we can learn from others! Here's one of my favorite pieces of wisdom that I received as a first year teacher and that I have done every day for the past three years:
One day when I was out sick this past year, a student came into my room on the day that I returned and said, "You're back!! I knew you weren't here yesterday when you weren't standing at the door." :)

We all love going to places where we are known, loved, and wanted! This is one small way that I show  my students this each and every day!

Whether you're a new teacher or not, be sure to click HERE to check out this great linky party and join in the fun! Deb is also having a giveaway with this linky party for a $25 TPT gift certificate! Go enter now!!


  1. One of the first things I teach my kiddos is to greet someone using their name. So many times I have had students writing stories about something they did with a "friend," but when I ask them to write the friend's name in their story they tell me they don't know the name. How can you not know your friend's name? It takes a few days to get them all, but eventually they all greet me by my name (and hopefully they start using their friends' names too!).
    ❤ Karen
    Flamingo Fabulous in Second Grade

  2. I teach upper elementar and they love to greet me at the door too. Even if they think they are too cool by the end of the year!


  3. I love this advice! It does send the tone of the day! I just found your blog through this linky party and am so glad I did! I am your newest follower!
    First Grade Funtastic

  4. Hi! I love this advice, too. Plus, it makes me stop the last minute things I am doing and focus on what is important for the day- the kids!! I am your newest follower. I'd love you to stop by my blog if you get a chance. :)
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
