
Only 2 Days Left to Enter!! (Clipart and Font Giveaway!)

Well today was our last full day of students. Tomorrow we have an early dismissal and then Thursday is inservice, but then on Friday is SUMMER! Before that though I need to get my room all packed up! We aren't allowed to leave anything on the walls, cabinets, or floors, so (insert deep breath) I've got my work cut out for me because I'm a decorating queen! ha! I just LOVE making my room a cozy and warm place to learn and grow. The site of bare concrete walls just depresses me, so I do all I can to cover them up! Thankfully my sweet hubby is coming over after school to help me put some of the bigger and heavier things away! #besthusbandever

But really the reason I'm popping by right now is to remind you that if you haven't already entered the AMAZING clipart and font giveaway happening right NOW, then you need to! Because it's just that awesome! :) 
See all of the prizes and enter the giveaway HERE!

One lucky winner will win over $100 dollars from some of my favorite clipart and font designers! Woot woot! :) AND stay tuned for the big announcement of the winner, because I have a special surprise/flash freebie in the works for everyone!! #beexcited

Ok-I'm off to finish the year strong! See you in a few for the big reveal of the winner and the special surprise!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhh my goodness gracious! This is one of the most fantabulous giveaways ever!

    24/7 Teacher Amy Harrod
