
An Invitation to Learn and Grow tOgETheR!

Welcome to First Grade in Foxwell Forest! Foxwell Forest is not only the title of this blog, but it is also the name of my first grade classroom. Maybe you’re not much of an outdoors person, but have you ever noticed that in a forest life abounds as it offers us an invitation to discover? I can’t help but think that first grade is very much the same.

First grade is a time of great growth and dynamic discovery! From experiencing the excitement of full days of school to the joys of watching letters take their shape into sentences and stories to celebrating the victory of reading, there are many monumental moments of learning and growing from the first to last day of first grade!

As we build off of the foundation of learning in Kindergarten, we want our student’s roots to continue to deepen in knowledge and understanding as they grow together and discover more about who they are, as well as the world around us!

So my invitation to you is to come and watch us as we learn and grow tOgETheR! As the teacher, my students aren’t the only ones that I want to see learning and growing. I also want to always be growing and never lose my love for learning.

I don’t know about you, but I am a big fan of collaboration! So, my hope for this blog is that it will serve as a platform for sharing. As I post some of the ways that I am creatively engaging my students through songs, gestures, and hands-on learning experiences, I’ll look forward to hearing how you are also doing the same!

What exciting things will we discover as we learn and grow tOgETheR? I can’t wait to find out!

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